A good website that attracts the right customers, has a plan, a structure and strategy behind it. Why do I need a website?
Think about why you want a website (not just because everyone else has one) and then think about what you want to achieve from it. Everyone wants to sell products or services and inform their customer and attract new ones, but other than these reasons why do you want a website? The answer to this question will inform all your choices about how to develop your website. Always refer back to this when making every decision, having your target audience in mind. An example I would like a website to be able to display my finished designs and it needs to let people sign-up for my newsletter. Q: What colour should my website be? A: Who is my target audience and how can I appeal to them through my choice in colour? A good plan to a website that succeeds is broken down into four parts:
1. Website research
Before you start any business or even begin to think about your website, take a look at your target audience, your competitors and this is the time to be thinking about your search engine optimisation. Any keywords relevant to your industry and service should feature in the written content of your website. 2. Website build
The website structure form the outline build of your website, this includes your navigation (how many pages to feature on your website). A tree or spider diagram can be drawn up to map out all the pages on your website. Your website content needs to be identified, from text to images and other media such as video. 3. Planning
People often make the mistake of starting with the design and shifting the content around to match. A better way is to collate all your content, develop the structure then think about the design when you know of everything that needs to be included. Functionality is anything that has a function for example email newsletter sign-up or a contact form. Specific requirements covers anything that isn’t strictly off-the-shelf e.g. a message board or a booking facility. 4. Marketing
You publish your website and promote it through networking, word of mouth, on your business card, you direct people to it through emails but how do you know what content people are looking at and where they are spending their time? We install Google Analytics on every website we build, it is a FREE tool from Google and helps you find out much more than you will ever need to know! Have you found any useful tools that could help others, plan, organise or build their website? Share your finds here:
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