Through discussions on business development at the local Jelly networking/ co-working event recently in Peterborough, the conversation turned to blogs and what would make great reading topics for the following months. I am a fairly private person and it was felt I could share some knowledge about myself… a sort of ‘Meet Your Consultant’. So here are a three and a few more things you may not know about me…
1. Vrruuuummm vrummm…. I ride a 600cc motorbike. About two years ago I passed my motorcycle test with a clean sheet. I do enjoy finding any reason to nip out for some milk! I have come a long way… thinking back to about 20 years ago when it took me three tries at passing my car driving test. With 28 minor faults on my first test, I remember clearly trying to do a hill start in neutral… I was that nervous. 2. Self Defence and Yoga I am a 2nd degree Black belt in Tae Kwon Do and training for my 3rd Dan. I have been training for 16 years and attend 1-2 sessions a week. I help out at interclub competitions and teach at my local club. I officiate at two competition a year, one local and one national and attend black belt sessions across the UK. I am first aid qualified. This is my club: Annabel Murcott Schools of Tae Kwon Do I attend Yoga about once a week, Hatha yoga is the style I practice, I have been doing this for about 4 years now. My instructor is Helen who adds a balanced mix of mind, body, theory and humour. Yoga gives me space to think, breath, time to focus on me and not take life too seriously. It has significantly changed my wellbeing over the years. The classes I attend are here: Equilibrium Yoga & Well-Being Centre 3. Family life Ben is my partner of 14 years, we have two girls of pre-school age who completed our family through adoption. We jointly share the care of our children which means we can both continue to work and pursue our interests. And a few more things...
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