If you want your marketing campaigns to be successful you need to understand your ideal customer. Knowing who your ideal customer is and what they want and need will help you concentrate your marketing where it is needed but it requires a bit of research and patience. If you don’t do the hard work to find your customer avatar you will just keep targeting everyone in the hope to get a hit - which is costly and inefficient. What is a Customer Avatar?
If you haven’t already guessed, a customer avatar is your ideal customer - not your average customer - but the perfect customer who will want to purchase from you again and again. Once you have discovered your customer avatar you can build a strong marketing strategy and improve your user experience. Why you need a Customer Avatar
How to Create Your Customer Avatar Do your research - If you are an established business then you have a great starting point as you can ask your customers for feedback:
Build Your Customer Avatar - Give your fictional customer a name and try to get a picture of them in your mind. Think about their demographics ie age, gender, income etc.
It’s likely your business will have more than one ideal customer, depending on the services and products you offer. If this is the case you will need to repeat the steps and create an avatar for each one. Short Term Pain for Long Term Gain! If you are willing to put in the hard work now and create your customer avatar(s) you will have much higher success with your marketing and sales. You will be able to focus your marketing spend to the right areas, improve engagement and build a strong, loyal customer base. Need help building your avatar? Contact Creative Remedy for more information.
Google Ads (formerly Google Adwords) has been around a long time, nearly as long as Google itself. You’ve no doubt noticed the subtle advertisements that show up at the top or to the side of search results (they’re the ones with the small green ‘ad’ tag next to them), these are paid search advertisements- businesses pay for certain keywords that are most likely to be used when searching for their particular product or service. The advertiser ‘pays per click’ (PPC) or ‘pays per impression’ (CPM) on the ad. If you ensure you have a strong ad campaign you will generate more clicks which will result in new leads and more customers. Why is it better than other forms of marketing?
It’s not necessarily better but if you’ve exhausted all other forms of marketing then Google Ads is just one of many options open to you to try and attract new customers. There are lots of other PPC advertising channels, think Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads etc, but Google Ads is still a great way to reach out to your target audience. In fact, it works especially well when you use it along side other forms of marketing. What is Google Ads good for?
Other Benefits with Google Ads:
What You Need To Budget For If you are considering Google Ads then you need to allow for the cost of Account setup, account maintenance (selecting negative keywords so you are only targeting relevant users and adjusting search terms to reach out to more potential customers and your monthly advertising spend. Your Marketing Strategy Google Ads is a great addition to your marketing strategy and can really result in increased leads and customers but it’s worth remembering that it works better for some businesses and industries more than others. Google Ads is fantastic for measuring actual lead/sales. Unlike stand alone email marketing, each transaction is recorded and can be traced back to a sale (ROI). Effective Google Ads For Google Ads to be effective it really needs a professional who understands how it works. It’s easy to get bogged down with the technical jargon when trying to set up Google Ads on your own, someone with expert knowledge will be best placed to set it up and ensure you aren’t wasting time and money.
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