If you want your business to thrive and grow you need to invest time and money into great marketing and an integral part of your marketing is content creation. Generating ideas and producing quality content can be time consuming and it can be difficult to know what and when to post. Social media presence is vital for your business to thrive but your posts need to be engaging and relevant if you want to see results. What is Content Creation?
When we talk about content creation we are specifically discussing written or visual content (images or video) based on topics that would appeal to your target audience. This content could be in the form of a blog, email marketing, social media posts, websites and landing pages. All content needs to be relevant and interesting - your aim is to build engagement and provide information to your followers/audience. Social Media Creating content for social media requires a bit of thought - each platform has its own rules, e.g. Twitter has a character limit if you have the free account and to get the most out of Instagram you need to make sure your images are at the correct size/aspect ratio. Websites & Landing Pages Landing pages are a great tool to have in your digital marketing strategy - the main purpose of a landing page is to convert visitors into leads or leads into customers. Unlike a standard website page, a landing page is a stand alone page without all the distractions of links and navigation, its sole aim is to collect contact information from your visitor in exchange for something such as an offer, ebook etc. Content for landing pages needs to be compact, concise and have the all important call to action! Email Marketing Newsletters and email marketing are a great way to engage with your customers, let them know about what’s happening in your business and share personalised offers. Why you Need a Content Creator? If you struggle to come up with amazing content for your social media channels, blogs or email newsletters then take heart- you are not alone. Running a business is hard enough without trying to keep up with digital marketing and the need to keep feeding the beast known as the algorithm.
Do you struggle to come up with exciting, interesting and relevant content? Contact us to find out how we can help.
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October 2024